Carbon Monoxide Exhaust Gas Analyzers and Monitors
What’s New?

Our family of exhaust gas analyzers is growing.
Blanke Industries has released its new CO Series 2500 Exhaust Gas Analyzer with a portable, rechargeable printer. The printer output can even be customized to show company information including name, phone, fax and web site. The CO Series 2500 is the fourth generation in a family of analyzers designed to measure carbon monoxide (CO) emissions from the exhaust pipe of any internal combustion engine. They are portable, accurate, simple and affordable.
Also available from Blanke Industries are several new multi-gas portable exhaust analyzers.
Our family of customers is growing.
Pepsi Bottling Group equipped all their fleet services centers and saved over a million dollars in propane costs in the first year of use. Click here to read their success story.
Our website is also growing.
We invite you to re-visit and tap the knowledge and expertise of The Exhaust Experts to solve your latest challenges. New content is added regularly.